Byah Hamari Bahu Ka 6th November 2012 Video Watch Online
Byah Hamari Bahu Ka 6th November 2012 Video Watch Online Byah Hamari Bahu Ka 6th November 2012 Video Watch Online Byah Hamari Bahu Ka 6th November 2012 Video Watch Online Byah Hamari Bahu Ka 6th November 2012 Video Watch Online
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Krish pleads tulja to send Satya back to his home to yashoda. Tulja says who will do his work krish says he will do all of satya's work and learn how to do wasooli. Krish also calls tulja as maa she is super pleased saying she waited for him from so many years and asks him to call her as aai. Krish calls her aai and requests her to leave satya. Tulja agrees saying if krish takes his place then she has no problem and gives krish one week time to learn from satya if not both krish and satya should remain here.
Satya says no one can take his place and pleads Tulja not to send him off and keep him as her son. Tulja says her own son has come so she doesnt need him and asks satya to teach work to krish.
Later rajni asks krish why he is doing all this krish says he wants satya to become good like us so i am doing all this.
Krish says all these years I have had all luxuries which belonged to satya but now satya deserves what belongs to him and he krish will return it back to him. Krish also says satya is his childhood friend he cant allow him to be like this and he has to return the karz of yashoda maa by uniting her with her son.
Satya is drinking and asking himself what is his mistake in all this and why tulja never treated him as a son,he did so much for her did all possible work but never got love from her. Seeing krish she immediately took his side and doing so much for him but never bothered for satya.
Krish comes and stops him from drinking and says yashoda maa loves him a lot.krish says we are childhood friends satya says our friendship is long gone and he knows very well that now krish wants to take his place here.Satya curses him for coming in his life and snatching away his mother. Krish says I will unite you with your family satya says they never searched for him. Krish says they searched dedperately for you without success. Satya asks him to stop this nonsense.
Precap Krish going for vasooli satya says only he can do vasooli successfully tulja says within 4 days krish will beat satya ib doing vasooli.
Satya says no one can take his place and pleads Tulja not to send him off and keep him as her son. Tulja says her own son has come so she doesnt need him and asks satya to teach work to krish.
Later rajni asks krish why he is doing all this krish says he wants satya to become good like us so i am doing all this.
Krish says all these years I have had all luxuries which belonged to satya but now satya deserves what belongs to him and he krish will return it back to him. Krish also says satya is his childhood friend he cant allow him to be like this and he has to return the karz of yashoda maa by uniting her with her son.
Satya is drinking and asking himself what is his mistake in all this and why tulja never treated him as a son,he did so much for her did all possible work but never got love from her. Seeing krish she immediately took his side and doing so much for him but never bothered for satya.
Krish comes and stops him from drinking and says yashoda maa loves him a lot.krish says we are childhood friends satya says our friendship is long gone and he knows very well that now krish wants to take his place here.Satya curses him for coming in his life and snatching away his mother. Krish says I will unite you with your family satya says they never searched for him. Krish says they searched dedperately for you without success. Satya asks him to stop this nonsense.
Precap Krish going for vasooli satya says only he can do vasooli successfully tulja says within 4 days krish will beat satya ib doing vasooli.