Kuch Toh Log Kahenge 1st November 2012 Video Watch Online

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Kuch Toh Log Kahenge 1st November 2012 Video Watch Online Kuch Toh Log Kahenge 1st November 2012 Video Watch Online Kuch Toh Log Kahenge 1st November 2012 Video Watch Online Kuch Toh Log Kahenge 1st November 2012 Video Watch Online 

Click Here To Watch Video Part 1
Click Here To Watch Video Part 2
Click Here To Watch Video Part 3
Click Here To Watch Video Part 4

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Part 1

Dehradun cop calls up Lucknow cop and share some info! Lucknow cop says.. his doubt was correct! 

Nidhi spots Ashu in Khushis ward offering her food..! Khushi says she does not wanna eat! Nidhi asks what she wants to eat? Khushi says Noodle Khichdi..! Ashu says patients should not eat that and Khushi says she is not sick..! Nidhi asks her to eat quietly or she will have to eat hosp food ..! Khushi says.. ewww..! Nidhi asks her to please eat quietly ..! Khushi asks Nidhi to say please..! Ashu tells Khushi that good girls dun stay stubborn! Khushi asks Ashu to feed her and Ashu agrees! Nidhi watches on angrily..! She walks out with the bottle of water! Khushi coufs and asks for water..! Ashu goes to get water! Ashu asks Nidhi why Nidhi came out with the bottle of water and she is coufing..! Nidhi says angrily that..Ashu is very concerned.. and if he knows what Khushi did..! Ashu asks ..what? Nidhi asks Ashu to give Khushi the water first!

Ashu asks Nidhi what is the matter n Nidhi says.. Khushi spilled oil . to hurt her.. as she thinks.. Nidhi was responsible for her getting scolded! Ashu refuses to believe and Nidhi asks him to ask Khushi himself! Ashu comes to Khushi and asks if she spilled oil? Khushi stays mum and then says ..yes! Ashu asks why? Khushi says..made a mistake! Ashu chides her and Khushi says sorry! Ashu asks if her sorry could have cured Nidhi ..if she had fallen n hurt herself? Khushi starts to cry..! Ashu says.. Nidhi does so much for her.. gets chocos for her.. cooks for her.. and what does she do to her? Ashu says Nidhi has hidden all things from him but she lost cool now..! Ashu says.. she tried to hurt Nidhi but hurt herself and now she must be back to her senses! Ashu asks Khushi to eat on her own!

Cops come and ask Ashu to come out with them! They ask how Khushi got hurt and Ashu says..tripped and fell..! Ashu asks Khushi to finish her food! Ashu asks if they got any news? Cop says.. Khushi does not have parents only uncle-aunty and they are coming to take her..! He says..her name is Kashish..! Ashu is taken aback..! He asks if they found whether Kashish was lost or she fled home! Cop says.. they have to ask Kashishs uncle & aunt..! Ashu asks him to bring them to his place in the evening..and by then Khushi will be home and Cop corrects him and says.. Kashish! Khushi overhears..! She is hurt and sad..! Ashu watches her from outside..! He comes to her and offers to feed her with his own hands! Khushi says.. no need .. n she can eat with her own hands! Ashu insists but Khushi stops him! She says.. she doesnt wanna trouble anyone and is eating on her own! Ashu asks Khushi if she had any trouble where she used to stay? He shares that cops think Khushi fled from home.. and asks her what happened in Dehradun? Khushi falls quiet! Khushi says she wont trouble anyone and requests him not to separate her from him! Ashus face is grief stricken..! He walks out of the ward and goes to Nidhi! 

He sees Nidhi is busy and says he will come later! Nidhi asks him to sit for 2 minutes..! Nidhi keeps looking at him as she advises meds to a patient! Ashu recollects Khushis words..! Nidhi asks Ashu to sit..! 

At Solankis home .. Rangu asks Anjie if parents are not at home and Anjie says.. no! Rangu asks where her dad went and Anjie says..outside but all dressed up and Rangu says.. maybe decided to flee home! Solanki comes with several toys and gifts..! RanJie are taken aback..! Solanki says.. these days..he cant control himself... so getting gifts..! Rangu says.. whats the hurry and Solanki says.. he mite not stay around so why not purchase now ..who knows.. if theres no tomorrow! RanJi are taken aback! 

Khushis uncle - aunty arrive with cops.. at Ashus home!

Part 2

Khushis uncle aunty .. ask for Khushi and Hiraman kaka is taken aback! Cop introres them and asks for Ashu? and if he is not back from hosp? Khushis uncle aunt are worried hearing the name of hosp and ask if anything happened to her? Cop says.. nothing major! Kaka asks them to sit in the drawing hall and goes to get BB! BB greets them ..! He asks them to sit and says Ashu must be coming with Khushi in a while! He asks Kaka to get refreshments for them!

Part 3

Nidhi comes to Ashu and Ashu who is lost in thoughts suddenly asks for water! Nidhi gives! Nidhi asks him the matter? Ashu shares that cops had come and that they located Khushis family! Nidhi says.. its a good thing for Khushi.. she will get her family back! Ashu shares that . Khushi does not have parents.. and she is orphan like him! Nidhi says.. she has some relative .. ! Ashu says that without parents.. kids are thirsty for love.. and whenever they get a lil love they dun wanna separate from the person who loves them! Ashu says..that if Khushis uncle-aunty were raising her well and loving her so much why would she flee home? Also since when Khushi has been staying with them she never showed any inclination to go back! Nidhi says Ashu is getting over concerned.. and that she is stubborn and naughty..! Nidhi says.. Khushi mite have left home in anger! Ashu says he asked Khushi too but she din answer..! Nidhi says. .maybe she has some grievance but they need to talk to Khushis uncle-aunty! Ashu agrees..!

Precap -- Ashu says.. Khushi has high fever..! BB comes and says. .Khushis uncle aunty have come! Khushis uncle aunty run to Khushi. .hug and kiss her forehead! Ashu watches on!


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