Bade Achhe Lagte Hain 14th March 2013 written update
Bade Achhe Lagte Hain 14th March 2013 written update Bade Achhe Lagte Hain 14th March 2013 written update Bade Achhe Lagte Hain 14th March 2013 written update Bade Achhe Lagte Hain 14th March 2013 written update
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Sudhir home:
The Episode Starts with Pihu and Khush playing in Natasha’s Car while she is driving. Natasha tells them that dadi, badi dadi and Soumya chachi are waiting for them. Khush takes the blessings of Dadi and Badi Dadi. Khush and Pihu hugs Shipra and she gives them chocolates. Natasha tells that Khush’s teacher and friends was happy to see Pihu. Soumya comes there and asks Khush how are you? Did you miss chachi. Pihu brings some games. Soumya asks what you want to eat? Khush says I want to eat dadi made Khichdi. Soumya says I will prepare. Dadi says I will prepare for my Khush. Sudhir says we will play the game until Dadi and chachi prepares Khichdi.
Krishnaji says to Soumya that Khush is looking Khush here. Soumya says Khush is all alone here and we shall go back to Kapoor Mansion for Khush sake. Krishnaji too agrees.
Ram and Priya’s new office:
Ram comes to Priya and says report is submitted and its 4 pm. Now we can have lunch. Priya says I am not hungry. Why you are doing this? What is the need to tolerate this? this much insult, humiliation. Ram says it is a job. Priya says it matters. We can get a job anywhere. Ram says it is a need. Priya says it is a need but…..
Priya says I know that man. you can forget what he has done but not me.What is wrong with you. He wants to humiliates us especially you. Ram says so what we can do? Can we run because of Ashwin. I know he is taking revenge on me. But I will not escape by getting scared. He says lets be together and failed him. Lets win. Shall we give him that satisfaction? you can find a new job and till then do the job here. Think about dadi, maa. Priya says I amthinking about you and I will not tolerate the humiliation.
Sudhir Home:
Khush tells Pihu that in his school new teacher came and she is teaching him drawing. Pihu says When I came back, she will teach me too. Natasha looks at them. Soumya comes with Khichdi, aloo paratha and asks them to have food. Shipra asks them to have it.
Krishnaji says to sudhir that Pihu thinks that she is joining to the same school as Khush. She says it is somewhat costly. Sudhir says they have to talk to Ram and Priya regarding this, and will they able to afforf the cost in this situation..
Shipra feed them. Natasha looks happily at them..
Kapoor Mansion:
Ayesha gets a call from Kids special event and he says are you coming with your son.
He says we will chose one of the parent and child and become them our company brand ambassador. She asks them to wait, they will come. She says her son is not around, she will come alone.
He says I will call you next time,we dont have time. Ayesha calls her servant and they says that Khush didn’t return home and went to nani nani home. She says who gives him permission to go.
Ram and Priya new office:
Priya comes to Ram and says its 6 pm, lets go home. Ram says still I have to do some more work. Priya says I will wait for you. Ram says dont wait for me.
Ram says as Pihu is alone, you need to be there. go home. Priya says, as you say. Ashwin looks at her and comes to her and says are you going alone. you might have thought of coming together to the office, holding hands, eating foods together, but your fairy tales ends. You married the Prince Mr. Ram Kapoor but he became the poor Ram Kapoor. your fairy tale ended. You think I hired you for charity. Priya bluntly tells him that its 6: 05 pm and she works for him from 9 to 6 pm and she leaves….
Vikram home:
Neha’s younger son is going on his friend’s birthday and Rahul wants to go on a date with Cady.Neha tells them to decide who is sacrifising. Neha says that birthday dont come daily, so you cancel your date. Vikram jokes that he shall invite Cady here and take care of the paglu doggy. Rahul asks Vikram to take care of paglu. Neha asks him to take care of it. Happy baby sitting. She says paglu go to Daddy.
Ram new office:
Ram comes to Ashwin’s cabin and says that the reports are ready and gives. Ashwin says but this report shall be done till tomorrow. and dont try to be smart. Ram says I am trying to do work here and shall I leave. Ashwin fumes in anger.
Sudhir home:
Natasha brings Milk shake for Pihu and Khush. They play. Ayesha comes there and sees them laughing and enjoying together. She asks Khush what are you doing. Natasha replies he came to meet his family. Soumya says did he needs your permission. She says yes. Ayesha asks Khush to go and sit in her car. Natasha asks Pihu to go inside and play. Ayesha tells them that she can file the case of kidnapping against them. She says I promise you that. Sudhir comes there and asks her to shut up. He says Khush is his grandson and he dont need her permission to meet Khush. Ayesha says really, with what relation he is your grandson. when you dont accept your daughter. She says those people who I threw out of my house, you took them here and thinking of you as a God. What you think you are saving khush from his mother. Shipra asks her to shut up. Ayesha says why shall i keep quiet. What he has done for me till now. She says Mr. Sudhir sharma. Priya comes there and Slaps her hard, everybody shocked. Priya says Papa. He is our Papa. He always fulfilled our dreams and not his. why dont you look at yourself. you misbehaved with Pihu, khush. You took advantage of Mr. Kapoor. Threw Dadi, Maa and all the family but I didnt say anything. I kept quiet. I realise that it was my mistake i kept quiet. Now if you do anything with my family, then I will… She says you can do whatever you want in your home. But this home is my Papa’s and I will not tolerate if anyone insults my papa or mumma and if you forget then the way to go out is right there. get out. She leaves. Everybody shocked.
Priya comes to Sudhir and consoles him.
Sid home:
Ayesha comes to Sid home and says Priya di scolds me infront of everyone and no body loves me. I went there to bring Khush. I am all alone. Sid says I am with you. It is a matter of some days, then nobody will insult you. I am there with you. you take care of khush. He says everything will be fine. Those people are taking about khush, They have forget that they have a daughter. The episode ends.
Precap: Priya says to Ram that if she request the principal, then Pihu will get admission and today was the first day at work, they have to get theirsalaries. It is not about school fees, so many other expenses. do you have an idea.
The Episode Starts with Pihu and Khush playing in Natasha’s Car while she is driving. Natasha tells them that dadi, badi dadi and Soumya chachi are waiting for them. Khush takes the blessings of Dadi and Badi Dadi. Khush and Pihu hugs Shipra and she gives them chocolates. Natasha tells that Khush’s teacher and friends was happy to see Pihu. Soumya comes there and asks Khush how are you? Did you miss chachi. Pihu brings some games. Soumya asks what you want to eat? Khush says I want to eat dadi made Khichdi. Soumya says I will prepare. Dadi says I will prepare for my Khush. Sudhir says we will play the game until Dadi and chachi prepares Khichdi.
Krishnaji says to Soumya that Khush is looking Khush here. Soumya says Khush is all alone here and we shall go back to Kapoor Mansion for Khush sake. Krishnaji too agrees.
Ram and Priya’s new office:
Ram comes to Priya and says report is submitted and its 4 pm. Now we can have lunch. Priya says I am not hungry. Why you are doing this? What is the need to tolerate this? this much insult, humiliation. Ram says it is a job. Priya says it matters. We can get a job anywhere. Ram says it is a need. Priya says it is a need but…..
Priya says I know that man. you can forget what he has done but not me.What is wrong with you. He wants to humiliates us especially you. Ram says so what we can do? Can we run because of Ashwin. I know he is taking revenge on me. But I will not escape by getting scared. He says lets be together and failed him. Lets win. Shall we give him that satisfaction? you can find a new job and till then do the job here. Think about dadi, maa. Priya says I amthinking about you and I will not tolerate the humiliation.
Sudhir Home:
Khush tells Pihu that in his school new teacher came and she is teaching him drawing. Pihu says When I came back, she will teach me too. Natasha looks at them. Soumya comes with Khichdi, aloo paratha and asks them to have food. Shipra asks them to have it.
Krishnaji says to sudhir that Pihu thinks that she is joining to the same school as Khush. She says it is somewhat costly. Sudhir says they have to talk to Ram and Priya regarding this, and will they able to afforf the cost in this situation..
Shipra feed them. Natasha looks happily at them..
Kapoor Mansion:
Ayesha gets a call from Kids special event and he says are you coming with your son.
He says we will chose one of the parent and child and become them our company brand ambassador. She asks them to wait, they will come. She says her son is not around, she will come alone.
He says I will call you next time,we dont have time. Ayesha calls her servant and they says that Khush didn’t return home and went to nani nani home. She says who gives him permission to go.
Ram and Priya new office:
Priya comes to Ram and says its 6 pm, lets go home. Ram says still I have to do some more work. Priya says I will wait for you. Ram says dont wait for me.
Ram says as Pihu is alone, you need to be there. go home. Priya says, as you say. Ashwin looks at her and comes to her and says are you going alone. you might have thought of coming together to the office, holding hands, eating foods together, but your fairy tales ends. You married the Prince Mr. Ram Kapoor but he became the poor Ram Kapoor. your fairy tale ended. You think I hired you for charity. Priya bluntly tells him that its 6: 05 pm and she works for him from 9 to 6 pm and she leaves….
Vikram home:
Neha’s younger son is going on his friend’s birthday and Rahul wants to go on a date with Cady.Neha tells them to decide who is sacrifising. Neha says that birthday dont come daily, so you cancel your date. Vikram jokes that he shall invite Cady here and take care of the paglu doggy. Rahul asks Vikram to take care of paglu. Neha asks him to take care of it. Happy baby sitting. She says paglu go to Daddy.
Ram new office:
Ram comes to Ashwin’s cabin and says that the reports are ready and gives. Ashwin says but this report shall be done till tomorrow. and dont try to be smart. Ram says I am trying to do work here and shall I leave. Ashwin fumes in anger.
Sudhir home:
Natasha brings Milk shake for Pihu and Khush. They play. Ayesha comes there and sees them laughing and enjoying together. She asks Khush what are you doing. Natasha replies he came to meet his family. Soumya says did he needs your permission. She says yes. Ayesha asks Khush to go and sit in her car. Natasha asks Pihu to go inside and play. Ayesha tells them that she can file the case of kidnapping against them. She says I promise you that. Sudhir comes there and asks her to shut up. He says Khush is his grandson and he dont need her permission to meet Khush. Ayesha says really, with what relation he is your grandson. when you dont accept your daughter. She says those people who I threw out of my house, you took them here and thinking of you as a God. What you think you are saving khush from his mother. Shipra asks her to shut up. Ayesha says why shall i keep quiet. What he has done for me till now. She says Mr. Sudhir sharma. Priya comes there and Slaps her hard, everybody shocked. Priya says Papa. He is our Papa. He always fulfilled our dreams and not his. why dont you look at yourself. you misbehaved with Pihu, khush. You took advantage of Mr. Kapoor. Threw Dadi, Maa and all the family but I didnt say anything. I kept quiet. I realise that it was my mistake i kept quiet. Now if you do anything with my family, then I will… She says you can do whatever you want in your home. But this home is my Papa’s and I will not tolerate if anyone insults my papa or mumma and if you forget then the way to go out is right there. get out. She leaves. Everybody shocked.
Priya comes to Sudhir and consoles him.
Sid home:
Ayesha comes to Sid home and says Priya di scolds me infront of everyone and no body loves me. I went there to bring Khush. I am all alone. Sid says I am with you. It is a matter of some days, then nobody will insult you. I am there with you. you take care of khush. He says everything will be fine. Those people are taking about khush, They have forget that they have a daughter. The episode ends.
Precap: Priya says to Ram that if she request the principal, then Pihu will get admission and today was the first day at work, they have to get theirsalaries. It is not about school fees, so many other expenses. do you have an idea.