Lawyers boycott courts over Badami Bagh incidents

Lawyers across the metropolis have gone on strike while sympathizing with Christian community.
LAHORE (Dunya News) – Lawyers have boycotted the courts’ proceedings while showing solidarity with Christian community over Badhami Bagh incident in which dozens of houses were set on fire on Saturday by miscreants who had lust for the land under the curtain of blasphemous allegations.
Following the Badami Bagh mayhem, the Punjab Bar Association appealed the lawyers throughout the province to go on strike while sympathizing with Christian people who were victimized by criminals.
In this way, all the lower courts in Lahore and some other cities of Punjab have boycotted the proceedings.
The lawyers have demanded of the government that miscreants should be brought to justice by fair trial and the victimized people should be properly compensated so that they may be able to survive with sense of security in their dwellings.