Punar Vivaah - 31st October 2012 written update

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Punar Vivaah - 31st October 2012 written update Punar Vivaah - 31st October 2012 written update Punar Vivaah - 31st October 2012 written update Punar Vivaah - 31st October 2012 written update

Click Here To Watch Video Part 1
Click Here To Watch Video Part 2
Click Here To Watch Video Part 3
Click Here To Watch Video Part 4

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Scene 1:
Location: Arti’s house
Shobha tells dubeyji that arti has made up her mind to tell yash the truth but she wonders if they are doing the right thing with her .First they told her to keep it a secret and made her promise so that she could remarry and now that they need her help for prashant,they are supporting her into telling the truth that could potentially destroy her realtion with yash.Dybeyji tells her to stop thinking whats rigt or wrong,whats true and lie when their son’s life hangs by the wire.He tells her that they should just worry that if they dont do every bit to save prashant’s life,god would never forgive them.Shobha prays that both arti and yash’s relation should stand the test of truth and prashant too gets saved and asks god to show them the right path.

Just then there’s a knock on the door.They wonder who’s come at such a late time.Hearing yash’s voice call from outside,shobha is worried that yash maybe now knows the truth about aryi’s marital status.Their attention is diverted to prashant who coughs badly.Shobha is worried how to face yash but dubeyji tells her to be strong and not weaken up and lose this lst oppurtunity to save their son and tells her to let it happen,whatevr it is that has to happen.Dubeyji closes the door to prashant’s room and along with shobha opens the door.They find yash outside waiting.Shobha invites him inside commenting as to what brought him so late and hoping everything alright.Yash refuses and says he wont tell them anything and that they have to come with him right now.They are surprised to hear this.

Scene 2:
Location: Yash’s house
Arti is pacing around the room looking visibly in tension.

Scene 3:
Location: Arti’s house and yash’s house
shibha says that they would go but atleast to tell them the reason and then seeing himrefusing to answer asks him suspiciously if arti told him anything.He says that he is very angry that the information that he should have heard from them,he gets it from somewhere else and that they did not bother to tell him.He gets prateik’s call who asks him about his whereabouts and that their father too is getting worried and says that he has collected the entire family at one place.Yash tells him that he would reach the house in 10minutes with shobha and dubeyji and ask him to get everybody ready.Both shobha and dubeyji are scared of the future happenings.

Scene 4:
Location: Yash’s house
The kids come in and inform Arti that everybody has collected downstairs and yash has come with her parents and they are all waiting for her downstairs.She is confused about this information but draping the pallu of her sari over the head goes out to the living area with the kids to find everybody assembled there with a serious face and shobha and dubeyji with apprehension in their eyes.She comes and stands in front of yash with tears in her eyes.When the kids leave,yash asks her that usually she talks so much,this si her time to answer everybody’s questions that they have for her.She is sileneced by this sudden development and shobha too is scared of what might happen.Yash’s father,Suraj too says that he didnt expect this from her.He still remembers the day when she had forcefully exerted her right on the house and told him that she wouldnt leave evn if he asked him to.Then how could she hide such a big thing from the family that she calls her own.Arti thinking that they know about her marital status and the truth,asks for forgiveness that she has once again betrayed their trust unwantedly.She tells yash that she wanted to tell yash everyhting n not hide anything but she didint get the right time to talk to him about this.In fact she even talked to shobha about telling yash everything.Yash says that she too is at fault and that he would talk to shobha maa later.Arti comes to her defense saying its her fault and shobha has no hand in this as arti wantd to tell everything but couldnt.Yash tells her to stop talking nd that he wont listen to any excuse now.She closes hr eyes seeing him such angr.But yash orders her to open her eyes.

When she opens them,instead of an angry yash,she finds a beautiful cake in front of her marking her bday.She’s too stunned to speak anything and doesnt understnd what happend.Ansh winks and tells that yash has oganised everything.she gives him a feeble smile and looks around to see the other members who are smiling at pulling this prank on her while shobha and dubeyji are surprised yet releived that her secret’s still safe.Dubey hoever gives shobha an exasperated look.They sing her a birthday song and everybody joins in the celebration when she cuts the cake.She feeds the children first who after eating,wish her on her bday.She then feeds yash too smiling but in great turmoil inside.yash too feeds her the cake and wishes her.Suraj scindia wishes from his and gayatri’s side.She takes her blessings touching his feet and refuses when he asks her to demand any gift that she wants saying that his love and blessings are more than what she wants.However on his increaased persistence,she says that she would ask for somthing whn she needs it.Suraj promises him her wish and that se would never be disappointed when she asks for it.Buaji is watching in disgust.

Yash gifts her flowers.Vidhi taunts him that he is trying to get off cheap and tells arti not to accept this cheap gift.yash says that the feeling and emotion with which the gift is given makes it invaluable and not its materialistic value.Vidhi and others appreciate this idea and arti too agrees and takes the flowers revelaing a beautiful necklace in the basket left behind in yash’s hand.Eveybody surprised,vidhi tells him to help arti wear it too.He does the honours and adorns her neck with the bful necklace.She smiles half heartedly thanking him for the gift.Ansh too presents the chart that the kids have made together as a bday gift revealing a picture of their happy famil,wher he shows arti expecting his younger sibling.She’s happy and thanks the kids for the gif and kisses each of them ansh says that he knows what return gift he would get for this gift.When yash asks him,he says he would get a small sister from arti.

Buaji interrupts him angrily asking him to stop talking nonsense.Then noticing Suraj’s face,she softens up and says what she means is that gayatri is expecting a son to carry forward the scindis legacy and be the rightful heir to yash’s family.When she asks from him for confirmation,he says that he doesnt believe in all that and it doesnt make a difference to him if his child is a boy or a girl.And even if its s girl,yash and scindia family already has a heir and thats ansh and if they do have a son,then ansh would always remain the elder brother to his son.Buaji is shocked to hear this.Suraj too agrees to yash’s views.Arti hearing all this is filled with gratitude that yash loves her so much that se cannot hide anything from him any longer and that she would tell him today itself that she is a divorcee and not a widower.the screen freezes on her troubled face.

Precap: In their room,yash asks arti what is it that she had to talk so urgent with him that she got him in the room excusing themselves from the entire family.She says that she has to share and tell him a serious and a very big truth about her life to him.Yash is troubled yet hearing.

Cradit: Rimjhim


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