Ruk Jaana Nahi 8th November 2012 Video Watch Online

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Ruk Jaana Nahi 8th November 2012 Video Watch Online Ruk Jaana Nahi 8th November 2012 Video Watch Online Ruk Jaana Nahi 8th November 2012 Video Watch Online Ruk Jaana Nahi 8th November 2012 Video Watch Online

Click Here To Watch Video Part 1
Click Here To Watch Video Part 2
Click Here To Watch Video Part 3
Click Here To Watch Video Part 4

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Indu arrives at the hall and walks up to seek the blessings of Tarachand, but the old man walks away without giving him any. With such great difficulty had Indu managed to gain the father's trust and now his efforts had gone down the drain once again. Indu vows that he'll work towards earning his father-in-law's trust once more. Just then, Sanchi comes and shakes him from his reverie - nudging him to come along to university.

Manwa comes and raids the kitchen for some food but finds none. He then yells at his mother and complains that he was hungry. However, he only gets scoldings aplenty and a slap in return for being such a useless son.
Manwa is frustrated that apart from the fact that Mehek was no longer in his life now, his mother and sister were hell bent on ruining his sanity too!

When Indu and Sanchi arrive at university together, their group instantly runs to greet them. The boys make no efforts to hide how elated they were to see the loving couple together. Just as Sanchi and Indu finish hurling each other a bout of abashed grins, they spot Mehek. The girl appeared distraught. Nevertheless, she regroups herself and goes forth to meet the gang. 
Mehek then announces to Sanchi that it was her last day at college. Sanchi's smile instantly vanishes. The lonely Mehek then goes on to hide her grief by making adorable small talk - stating how she'd miss them, warning Indu to take care of Sanchi, letting Indu know that Sanchi's temper was only short-lived and that she loved him as much too etc etc.
Nevertheless, all of these words seemed to have more effect on Sanchi than they did on Indu. The young brute still appeared quite dejected to know that Mehek was leaving (awww probably the emotional guy in him)
'Please take care of her...' Mehek addresses Indu tearfully 'She's my dearest friend...'
'Don't do this...' Indu states sadly 'We'll become emotional too...and I promise to hold your friend dearer than my life...stay in touch with us always!'

As Sanchi's eyes start welling up, Mehek steps ahead and lovingly takes Sanchi to task - demanding a 'happy hug' from her in return. The friends then exchange a few affectionate parting words. 
A few seconds later, Mehek hears a familiar voice behind her 'So, you're leaving without letting me know?' she turns around to findAbhimanyu standing behind her. He pauses 'I want to have a chat you'
'I don't want to' she responds
He requests once again and she finally relents.

Some distance away...
Manwa pours his heart out to her - stating that he was not money-minded like his mother. He'd lied about everything only so she'd be accepted by his family 'My love for you is genuine...' he tries justifying himself 'Please forgive last time...I will never repeat this again...'
Fairly enough, Mehek refuses to accept his apology. She reminds him that he'd cheated her twice in the past and that she didn't have the strength to trust him any more. She then walks away from him.

A short while later - UNIVERSITY OFFICE ROOM
Sanchi walks up to the office locker room to fetch the student union funds. She opens the locker, only to find the money missing. Sanchi is shocked. She stands transfixed for a few moments, when a professor notices her and approaches her to enquire about her dilemma.
She reveals the issue of the 'missing money'. The professor asks her to recollect if she'd placed the money elsewhere, but Sanchi is quite certain that she'd placed the money in that very locker.

A short while later, Prof Janardhan is summoned. On learning about the puzzling matter, the man is not impressed in the least. No sooner, his suspicions seem to point towards Sanchi - since no one else knew that the money was placed there and since no one else had the key to the locker either. 
When Sanchi continues fretting and fuming about it, Janardhan wryly comments that she was intelligent enough to understand the logistics - when no one else knew about the money or had access to it, how could anyone else be the culprit? 

Sanchi is quite shocked at the insinuation. 
Offended, she questions how he could even think of such a thing about her? 
'I'm not blaming you outright...but I'm saying what I make of the situation...' he replies caustically 'You were responsible for the money, so you should have handled it carefully'

The professor then summons the watchman and makes an enquiry to find out if anyone suspicious had been seen lingering around the place. 
The watchman hesitates for a few seconds and then divulges that he'd spotted Indu Singh wandering around the locker room the night before. 

Sanchi is startled. She defends her husband straightaway - asserting that he would never carry out such a dastardly deed. After all, he'd helped her collect the funds himself.
However, Janardhan has enough in his kitty to argue back 'You speak as though he's never done something like this in the a short while, you'd state that he had no involvement in selling pirated cds either' he pauses 'Well... he's your how would you accept the fact that your husband has stolen the money'

'Guruji' a voice suddenly thunders from behind the crowd. As the students split, we get to see an irate Indu walk through and approach the spot of the unfolding drama. 
'What's going on...and what are you blaming me about?' he yells at Janardhan, taking his place beside Sanchi
When the professor defends himself by replying that he had proof, Indu turns to face the watchman 'So what exactly did you see?'
The watchman is obviously nervous and doesn't answer right away. Indu then picks up his chappal and is about to thrash him when Sanchi steps in between to diffuse the situation.
'Calm down NOW' she screams at Indu 'I'll handle it'
Soon after, she turns to the watchman and interrogates him authoritatively 'I know Indu would never do anything like tell me, why are you lying?'

Indu appears quite emotional at this point - humiliated that he was being blamed for something so cheap and yet moved that Sanchi was standing up for him.
Watching their mutual support, Janardhan finally speaks up - voicing his doubt that the pair were probably involved in the thieving together!

While Sanchi is dumbfounded, Indu grows increasingly enraged. Sanchi glimpses at her husband for a second and then turns back to the professor. The worried girl tries reminding Janardhan of all the good deeds they had done for the remaining students. Strangely enough (and for once) the students actually speak up in SUPPORT OF INDU AND SANCHI. (loved this scene!)
Watching the escalating uproar, the other professor decides to chip his two cents in too. After all, Sanchi had always remained the most honourable president the student union had witnessed. Hence there was no way she could commit any wrongs - be it with Indu Singh or with anyone else! When the students once again start speaking up in favour of Sanchi, Janardhan silences the crowd by letting him know that he only said what he'd witnessed. He then gives the pair 2 days time to prove their innocence - if they remained unsuccessful in doing so, they faced imprisonment thereafter! 

As the crowds disperse, a more composed Sanchi tells Indu that they HAD to prove their innocence if they needed everyone to trust them!

The boys are sharing a joke or two, when Indu storms into the room. Exasperated, he throws his cooling glasses away. The man shouts aloud about how any and every wrong doing in the university was inadvertently blamed on him. 'We were just trying to recover from that cd issue, when this missing money has also been blamed upon me' he wails
He instructs his startled group to make a thorough search of the university and to find out how and where the money could have vanished

Speaking over the phone, Janardhan is revisiting his carefully hatched plot with the person at the other end 'Only if Indu Singh is caught, exposed and expelled from the university...can our work be successful' he pauses 'Staying with Sanchi, he's also become hell-bent on amending his ways...nothing can be done when Indu and Sanchi are together...only if Indu leaves will Sanchi also become weak and there's no point undermining Sanchi's might...she's such a straightforward girl'

Unbeknown to Janardhan, Indu was walking by his office room when he stops for that fateful moment to listen in to Janardhan's conversation about him
'I've entrapped Indu Singh in the fund-scandal...I've given him two days to prove his innocence, but I'm sure he can't do much...I only fear he should not return to his old self...if he does, we're all in for trouble!'

Just as Janardhan is about to keep the phone, he hears Indu's voice calling out to him from the doorway. The man instantly loses a few shades of colour from his face as he turns around to face the wrathful Indu Singh. He nervously tries covering up - explaining that he was busy with his administration work. However, Indu had heard enough to understand the truth. Storming up to his table, he hurls the phone down which the meek professor anxiously replaces back again.
'What were you saying...' Indu shouts 'That if Indu returns to his old self, all hell will break lose...well, your concerns are quite valid...I don't need two days to prove my innocence..I can do it right now...'
Saying so, he drags the man by his collar outside the office. While the watchman tries stopping the rogue he receives a stern slap from Indu, which is more than enough to thwart the petite fellow.

The fuming Indu continues on his mission - dragging Janardhan through the college and thrashing him as he does so. Even the security guards are not able to contain him.

A girl quickly alerts Sanchi about the fiasco, who comes running to the scene. She's shocked to find Indu back in his 'old avtaar' - resorting to violence to prove his point!

Sanchi stops Indu, who orders her not to come in between. Sanchi tells him there are other ways to prove one's innocence, but he says he knows no other means to prove his innocence.
'Well how would you understand...' Sanchi eventually grits her teeth 'But I've understood one thing...once a Gunda, always a Gunda'
Indu feels humiliated 

Cradit: lashy


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