Punar Vivaah 3rd January 2013 written update

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Punar Vivaah 3rd January 2013 written update Punar Vivaah 3rd January 2013 written update Punar Vivaah 3rd January 2013 written update Punar Vivaah 3rd January 2013 written update

Click Here To Watch Video Part 1
Click Here To Watch Video Part 2
Click Here To Watch Video Part 3
Click Here To Watch Video Part 4

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Scene 1:
Location: Yash’s house
Suraj says that they clearly stated at the time of marriage, that they want a widow, not a divorcee. He acuuses her of lying to them all this time all the while meeting prashant serectively and god knows what else. arti stops him saying that its entirely wrong and that she never did anything with him. Dubeyji too joins in to ask suraj to stop talking like this. And says that it was on their command that arti kept this a secret from them. Suraj says that he doesnt want to argue unnecessarily and wants her out of the house. shobha too tries to convince that they deserve punishment and not arti, since arti has only kept a relation of humanity with prashant. suraj says that all of them would get punished and he wants them out of his house. Gayatri reminds suraj that arti is pregnant with yash’s child. He says that they have to leave and when she delivers, then they would get the child back and noone can stop them from doing so. arti is shocked to hear this. He asks arti to leave and never turn back to look at this house, that would be her true punishment.
yash comes forward and tries to convince suraj that she might be at fault but she truly regrets it too. It was her helplessness to keep this secret. Everyone in the family knows, has seen and also praised how nicely she has done her duties for this family, as a wife to yash, as a mother to his kids and as a daughter in law to her in laws. They cannot neglect that she never let her past overshadow her present. She deserves punishement but not being thrown out of the house as after all she’s a part of the scindia family. Gayatri too supports yash saying that any punishment he can give her, but not leaving the house. She says that she knows he has a big heart and that just like the instances where he has given arti another chance, she hopes that he will still forgive her and give her another chance. suraaj replies that he wont give her another chanec anymore and that she has to leave the house, since she broke their trust and he would never be able to trust her again.
Arti says that she has indeed committed a big sin and that if he thinks, she deserves this punishment, then she would respect that and leave the house. Yash again intervenes to say that he took a vow with arti when they got married that he would be wih her in good times or in bad and therefore, he cant leave arti alone in this punishment. Gayatri is shocked and buaji too tries to talk him out of it saying that he’s willing to let go of all relations in the famiyl for this one woman. yash says not to refr to arti as a woman, ince she’s his wife and the mother to his kids. Prashant and taiji watching all this with mixed expressions while the dubeys are feeling very sorry for having put arti through this. Suraj declares tht if he has decided to stay with arti, then he should also know that eh would have to sever all ties with everyone in the family and not talk to them ever again. He also retorts that for one relation, he is willing to let go of his blood and birth relations. Yash agrees to this.
Ansh comes in and asks yash, addressing his as father, why are the grown ups fighting. He then taking example from what arti taught her in the morning that day, to say sorry and then patch up wih dadaji. While Suraj does not budge, taiji comes forward and holding ansh’s hand tries to tell him that prashant is his dad and that he should come to live with them. Seeing her coaxing ansh, yash asks her to let go of his child’s hand and leave. She says that she wont be scared by his threats. He goes on to say that His chidl is Ansh Yash Scindia and therefore, if anyone tries to take him from them, he would not spare them. Taiji lets go of his hand. yash asks ansh to go to his room.
Shobha takes this oppurtunity to teach a lesson to prashant that the world is not just full of selfish people like prashant but also with good ones like yash, due to which the world goes on. Otherwise, he and taiji had left no stone unturned today to strip arti today of her marital bliss. She says that she hopes he realises how to be a good life partner like yash. a frustrated prashant leaves with taiji in tow. Shobha then turns towards suraja dn again pleads him to forgive arti and punish them instead and says that they are also ok if he never wants to talk to then ever again. yash steps in and asks shobha to go home along with dubeyji since anything said right now would only aggravate the anger. He asks her not to worry about arti since he’s with her. They leave. while the whole family is worried, suraj too retires to his room with gayatri in tow.
Scene 2:
Location: Yash’s house
arti, entering her room, finds that yash is packing their suitcases and asks that why is he doing this and facing the wrath of his family an hurting them for her since its her mistake and hence only she should face the punishment. He says that to live without her would be a punishment in itself for him. The fact that he has to leave, angering his family is bad, but whats worse is if he had left her in the midway to fend for herself. he knows that blood relations are more than life but he also has a certain responsibility towards this relation wih her. He tells her that now they have to give their kids the love of both the parents and asks her to promise that she would be with him always. He sys that he knows if his parents hope that he has the responsiblity as a son towards them, then they also know that he has a responsibility towards arti as her husband. He says that he mistook her love for helplessness that she didnt want to get into this remarriage. He wipes her tears and says that from now on, noone gets aplace in her eyes other than him, not even tears. Arti looks up at him with gratitude. The screen freezes on her face.
Precap: Arti coaxes him to say those 3 words that hsi eyes and his heart always scream out to her, but he has never said it aloud to her. Yash finally says I LOVE YOU to arti.


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